Personally, I'm fortunate enough to only have a mild milk allergy as part of my multiple intoleraces, which gives me a fair bit of nausea, gas and indigestion when I consume it. I stick to fortified, organic soymilk and cannot eat cheese or drink milk at all, and I can only take a tiny amount (about 100g or whatever the tiny pots of Source are) of yogurt before I start feeling the affects. I also take a calcium supplement every morning, as well as many other non-dairy sources of the minerals and nutrients found in milk.
So, in order to make my and other's lives a bit easier, I have recipes for evaporated and sweetened condensed "milks". They are painfully easy:
Sweetened Condensed Soy- or Rice-Milk
3 cups plain, unsweetened dairy free "milk"
1/2 cup sugar (or equivalent)
1 tsp vanilla
pinch salt
Put 'milk in a saucepan.
Add sugar.
Cook over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, until volume is reduced to 1 cup.
Add vanilla and salt.
Cool. Store covered in fridge.
For Evaporated 'Milk:
Omit sugar and vanilla.
- Cook until volume is reduced to 1 & 1/2 cups.
- Store covered in fridge.
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